“Yayasan Sosial Putra Putri Bangsa” is a non-profit organization which goals are to bring positive changes to the life of children in Bali, particularly for them in Northern Bali. Why is the Northern Bali ? Most of the tourism businesses are invested and fast growing only in the South of Bali, then the positive impacts mostly enjoyed by the Southern Balinese. Typically, the Northern Balinese still live in and under poverty line. As a consequence, Northern Bali is not well developed as the Southern Bali.
To make realize these goals, “Yayasan Sosial Putra Putri Bangsa” has established many events to gather contributions from the donators. As the charity dinner in 2007 was held at SIR (Selected Indonesian Restaurant) in Holland where the auction of the package of accommodation, tour, antique handicrafts, etc was performed. All benefit from this event would be planned to finance the construction of orphanage house in Jembrana, Bali.
The below pictures were taken from the last project report of “Yayasan Sosial Putra Putri Bangsa” that has been reported to Maya Ubud.
The project takes place in the high school (grades 7 - 9) of SMP PGRI Seraya Timur, Karangasem.
Seraya Timur is the Karangasem regency lies in the North East Cost of Bali Island. It’s located in hill of Amed, which is quite isolated and very dried out area. Direct public transports to the city of Karangasem are not available.
SMP PGRI Seraya Timur, Karangasem is the only high school available in Seraya Timur which is only additional class of the high school (SMP PGRI) in the city of Karangasem. The education is held in the afternoon as in the morning the teachers are also teaching in the high school (SMP PGRI) of the city of Karangasem.
The first physical condition was half finished building, no toilet facility, and the teacher room looked more like storage than the office is, as well as the desks and chairs for students were given with simple service by the high school (SMP PGRI) in the city of Karangasem from their broken stocks. Moreover, the book resource is very limited which is three text books for one class, with no other supporting facilities such as dictionary, reading books, map, etc.
Another issue is that the number of students in each class has been reduced almost 30% in each year. This caused by the several financial problems in which the education fee is no longer affordable for the parents who are mostly farmers and fishermen that depends much on the good whether.
Based on these needs, the project was consisting of finishing school building, building teacher office, building toilet, providing school facilities, and also includes granting scholarship.
1 comment:
I suppose that charitable giving is the act of giving money, goods or time to the unfortunate, either directly or by means of a charitable trust or other worthy cause. Charitable giving as a religious act or duty is referred to as almsgiving or alms.
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